Can I retrigger a finite analog output without stopping and restarting the task?
(too old to reply)
2008-07-14 18:10:16 UTC
I am trying to generate an analog output of a finite number of samples from a PCI-6713 card each time the card is triggered. I am currently accomplishing this by putting the "DAQmx Start Task", "DAQmx Wait Until Done", and "DAQmx Stop Task" in a while loop:<img src="Loading Image..."> This code works at trigger rates of 50Hz (red is the triggers, blue is the analog output):<img src="Loading Image..."> &nbsp;but begins to fail at faster trigger rates, such as 170 Hz:<img src="Loading Image..."> Is there any way I can let the PCI-6713 card re-trigger and output again without relying on software to stop and re-start the task? Otherwise, is there any way to optimize the LabVIEW code so that the card can re-trigger faster?Thanks,John Bosshard
Zach Hindes
2008-07-15 15:40:10 UTC
Hi JBoss, http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/4787Here is a great dev zone article on how to accomplish what you want.&nbsp; The short of it is that you can use the counters on your device to accomplish the behavior you want!
2008-07-15 18:10:08 UTC
This accomplished exactly what I wanted. Thanks much!!! John
