Sample Rate Control for a PCI-6036e card
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matt winnick
2008-07-16 01:10:07 UTC
I have a Labview set-up which is reading two analogue input channels from a PCI-6036e card. They are both configured as traditional DAQ tasks. I cannot, however, find a sample rate control in either the vi or measurment and automation explorer. The card advertises an AI sample rate of up to 200ksamples/s, but right now each channel is only getting about 50samples/s. Is there any way to increase the sample rate?
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-16 01:40:07 UTC
I've never used a traditional DAQ task but if your VI doesn't have a scan rate, then you are using the wrong function. You've got the top level functions such as AI Acquire Waveform and that in turn calls AI Start (also on the palette).
2008-07-16 22:40:07 UTC
Thanks for posting on the NI Forums!  Dennis is right, you will use the AI Start function to set your acquisition rate.  If you are just starting out I would build off of an example.  Go to the NI Example Finder by clicking on Help?Find Examples.  Browse by Directory Structure and navigate to daq»anlogin»anlogin.llb»Cont Acq&Chart (buffered).vi. 
That being said, if you are a new user, I would strongly suggest using NI-DAQmx instead of Traditional DAQ.&nbsp; Your question is one of many good reasons to use NI-DAQmx.&nbsp; It is a lot more straightforward and you can build applications quicker.&nbsp; There is a DAQmx Timing function where you configure your sample rate, and anything associated with timing (such as sample mode, clock source, etc.).&nbsp; Go to the NI Example Finder and Browse by Task.&nbsp; Browse to Hardware Input and Output»DAQmx»Analog Measurements»Voltage»Cont Acq&amp;Graph Voltage ? Int Clk.vi.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/5434" target="_blank"> Getting Started with NI-DAQmx</a>