problem with DAQ error-200429
(too old to reply)
2008-07-29 05:10:09 UTC
I am Naveen from Astra Microwave Products Ltd and we have been uisng LabView 8.0 since from 2 yrs and our main approach is the data acquisition and from yesterday onwards we are facing one problem i.e "error:200429"  when we run a program.Please give us solution as soon as possible.
2008-07-29 09:10:10 UTC
Hello Naveen,
Thank you verry much for your forum post. For this problem we have to look arround the task or task name. But to be more specific more information is requirerd. If your task was created in the Measurement and automation explorer (MAX), please try to run the task there. You can find the tasks in the configuration tree under data neighborhood. If the task was not created in MAX, please try to create a similar task and try to run it.
It is possible to review your code if the task runs without error in MAX. Please attatch your code to do that (with a description what you are trying to do information about task setting, hardware you are using).
If the problem occurs in MAX please provide information about the task (task settings) you are trying to run.
Best regards,
NI Netherlands
