Voltage measurement in USB-6251
(too old to reply)
2008-07-10 18:10:23 UTC
I just bought M-series USB-6251 DAQ card and now I need to attach a sensor to it. The sensor has 5 lines: Bias (3.3V, max 10V)V+ 3.3 VGNDRef Out (Voltage)Signal Out (Voltage)The signal out line has the raw data that we are interested in. How should I attach this sensor to my DAQ? I guess the Signal out goes to AI0 and GND goes to GND but how the others?
2008-08-05 21:40:09 UTC
Hello SamiL,
I believe the USB-6251 pinout has a +5V pin, and depending on the current requirements of your sensor you can probably use this to provide the bias voltage to your sensor.&nbsp; (Page 11 of the <a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371291h.pdf" target="_blank"> NI 625X Specifications</a> says the USB-6251 can provide up to 1A on the +5V pin.)
For the V+ 3.3 V pin, I would have to consult your sensor's manual.&nbsp; Is this a 3.3V input or output?&nbsp; It it?s an output, you could measure it with another analog input channel; if it?s an input then you can either use the +5V pin again, or use an analog output to provide 3.3 volts if the current requirement is less than 5mA.&nbsp; Since you have bias terminal it makes me think the V+ pin is probably an output, but to be sure you'd need to check the sensor's manual.
For the connection of the GND, Ref Out, and Signal Out I would refer you to table one of this article:&nbsp; <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3344" target="_blank"> Field Wiring and Noise Considerations for Analog Signals</a>&nbsp; basically you'll need to find out if your sensor's output voltage is ground referenced or floating.&nbsp; Then you can choose to measure differentially or single ended based upon your channel requirements.&nbsp; It?s important to note that if your sensor is ground referenced you don't want to connect the sensor's GND to AI GND because this can cause a ground current loop between the devices.&nbsp; However, if you're powering the sensor using the +5 volt pin on the USB-6251, then even if your sensor is ground referenced you should be fine because the card and sensor already share the same ground reference.
I hope this helps, and if you still have questions it would be helpful if you can post more information on your sensor.
