SCXI-1121 input range
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2008-07-20 10:40:07 UTC
I am using PCI-6070E data acquisition board with SCXI-1121 and SCXI-1321.
in the User manual of SCXI-1121, I noted that the input range of SCXI-1121 is: (-5V to +5V).
when I use the software LabVIEW 6 with NI-DAQ 6.9.3 and Measurement & Automation 2.2
Using LabVIEW 6 I noted that the input range of SCXI-1121 is: (-8.8V to +8.8V). but when i test the same channel with Measurement & Automation 2.2, I noted that the input range of SCXI-1121 is: (-5V to +5V).

when I use the software LabVIEW .5 with NI-DAQ 7.8.1 and Measurement & Automation 4.4.1
I noted that the input range of SCXI-1121 is: (-5V to +5V).
So is the problem in LabVIEW 6 or in my SCXI-1121.
Note: my friend has been using this SCXI-1121 to aquire signals up to (+,- 8V) for long time, does this usage affect the device (SCXI-1121).
Thank you.
2008-07-21 17:40:11 UTC
Hello kahtan, Thanks for your post and your questions about the SCXI-1121. You mention that you are able to see a voltage range of +,-8 volts on your LabVIEW 6 program. If you look on page A-1 of the manual for the SCXI-1121 you will see that the output range to your DAQ card will always be +,-5 volts. So were you seeing voltages greater than that on your LV 6 program? Did you ever see values rise above 5 volts or below -5 volts.&nbsp; I would say that the input to your SCXI-1121 depends on the Terminal Block that you are using and the different gain settings. So I would say that the "problem" may be in the different software approaches taken in the LV 6 program. I would say at this point that your SCXI-1121 is performing the way it should. Let me know if you have any more questions and I wish you the best of luck on your applications!<a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/1CE36FBE36308E478625680800547C9A" target="_blank">SCXI-1121</a> Cheers!Corby_Bhttp://www.ni.com/support