pci6034E is not working with labview 6.1 vi
(too old to reply)
2008-07-24 19:10:23 UTC

 Well, I just bought a PCI-6034E DAQ board and I'm trying to use it
with an acquisition vi written in labview 6.1. The vi was in use for
long  time in other systems using E series cards without any problems.
I have the vi code and the stand alone application as well.

The board was first installed with the DAQmx drivers that came with it
and from the test board I can see that it is recognized and the
channels are active. Then, I installed the stand alone application but
I got an error saying that the board is recognized but is not able to
perform the requested command (which is acquire a signal through the
analog input). I obtained the same results with the following

-Original drivers with the original vi under labview 6.1

-Traditional nidaq drivers with stand alone application

-Traditional nidaq drivers with the vi and labview 6.1

-Both set of drivers and the original vi with labview 6.1 and/or labview 8

 the case of labview 8 seems to be even worst, because apparently implies to migrate my original 6.1 code to 8.

I have the same vi running on a different computer with a PCI-6110 board without any problems.A similar error message is obtained when I try to use a third party software that support E series NI boards.

I really need help with this!!!bestSebastian
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-24 21:10:24 UTC
I suspect something is seriously corrupt because you decided to install the DAQmx driver. This driver is not at all compatible with LabVIEW 6.x. Completely remove DAQmx and make sure that is active only with traditional DAQ and that it passes all tests in traditional DAQ.
2008-07-24 22:40:08 UTC
First of all, the board should work with my Vi from 6.1...theoretically speaking, no?now regarding the installation:I did that, completelly unistall NIDAQmx and then install traditional-NIDAQ. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here.One bug because of this I can suspect, is that something from the first instalation remain in my computer. There is a way beside "control panel/software/removeNI soft.." to completely remove NI software so I can start from scratch? windows is pretty bad doing that sometimes.S.Message Edited by guzbuntu on 07-24-2008 05:34 PM
2008-07-24 23:40:06 UTC
To completely remove NI stuff you could try MSIBlast. See post #5
<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;thread.id=343481" target="_blank">http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;thread.id=343481</a>
Hope this helps.
