Upgrade to NI-DAQmx driver
(too old to reply)
2007-12-14 22:10:08 UTC
I appreciate it if someone can answer this question.
I currently have a PCI E series DAQ card running on the traditional Legacy driver.I have some programs written in CVI Lab Windows for use with the DAQ.
I am about to do development in .NET envinronment using C#. Therefore I need to install DAQmx driver for that since the legacy driver doesn't support .NET
My question is...can I have both the DAQmx driver and Traditional driver installed/co-exist at the same time?
If they can co-exist,can I switch back and forth running the new and old test programs writen using .NET C#(mx driver) and CVI(legacy driver) without the hassle of uninstalling either one of them every time?
Please advise.
Mark E
2007-12-17 19:10:09 UTC
Hi lthsin,

You can have Traditional
DAQ (T-DAQ) and DAQmx installed at the same time as long as your T-DAQ is
version 7.0 or newer. Even if your T-DAQ is 7.0 or newer, the drivers cannot be
operating on the same device simultaneously. After using DAQmx with a device, the
only way to allow the T-DAQ driver to work with it is to reset the device.
Summary: co-exist, yes
(with T-DAQ 7.0 or newer); co-drive/program: no.
2008-07-24 14:10:11 UTC
Hi Mark,May I cut in?I am in the middle of struggling trying to upgrade my programs from Traditional DAQ 7.4 to DAQmx 8.0.  I have one DAQ card, but have both Traditional DAQ7.4 and DAQmx installed in my computer.  I understand I can only use either DAQ7.4 or DAQmx 8.0 at a time, but am confused on the procedures of how to "reset" my device, say from DAQ7.4 to DAQmx8.0, or from DAQmx 8.0 to DAQ 7.4 
Can you be more specific on the procedures that I should follow in order to "reset" the device?  Please advise...Sincerely,Fuh
2008-07-25 15:10:11 UTC
Hi Fuh,
You can open up Measurement and Automation Explorer and locate your device under both NI-DAQmx Devices and Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices. Under NI-DAQmx Devices you can right click on your device and select Reset Device. In order to reset the device Traditional DAQ, you can right-click on Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices and choose Reset driver for Traditional NI-DAQ. If you were interested in resetting the device in LabVIEW there are reset VIs for both drivers. I have attached an image that shows the device reset VIs.

LabVIEW Device Reset.gif:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/250/41839/1/LabVIEW Device Reset.gif
2008-07-25 19:10:11 UTC
Thank you so much!  It helps a lot.
