PCI-6115 Hardware failure
(too old to reply)
Matthew Stevenson
2008-01-05 00:40:24 UTC
Last month I installed a PCI-6115 card on my Windows Vista machine.  Immediately after installation, I was able to run its test panels in MAX and everything seemed fine.  I hadn't looked at it again until today.  Now it is no longer working.  The symptoms follow:
- In MAX, when I try to "self-test" I get either an error "50152" or error "50151".  Error 50152 gives the following possible reason:

"A hardware failure has occurred.  The operation could not be completed as specified."
- Error 50151 is a firmware error.  I don't have the exact text handy.
- The error is also presented when I try to run the test panels, or when I press "Reset Device."
- The type of error seems to toggle between the two whenever I reboot the computer.
Here is what I am running:  Windows Vista, LabView 8.5, DAQmx 8.6.0f5.
Here is what I have tried:
- Rebooting the computer.
- Searching for latest software updates.
- Removing and replacing the PCI-6115 card into a different PCI slot.
Thanks for your help,
2008-01-07 19:10:10 UTC

It sounds like you have done some active and helpful troubleshooting.  Based on the information that you provided, I would suggest that you contact National Instruments technical support to potentially get a RMA (return merchandise authorization) for the device.  Please see the attached link for creating a service request.  Please lead the Application Engineer you speak with to this post if needed.

<a href="http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niae_asc.main" target="_blank">Request Support </a>

The only other troubleshooting step I would recommend is to make sure that when the DAQmx driver was installed that the device was not plugged in to the computer.&nbsp; You mentioned that it device was installed some time ago ? so it might prove worthy to uninstall the DAQmx driver and re-install the latest version 8.6.1 from <a href="http://www.ni.com/" target="_blank"> www.ni.com</a> at <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/sb/navsRel/lang/en?q=8.6.1" target="_blank">Drivers and Updates</a> . &nbsp; I only suggested to uninstall and reinstall because a RMA will more than likely take some time process and this troubleshooting step might avoid this process and eliminate any doubt to what was done some time ago.&nbsp;

2008-01-08 17:10:11 UTC
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2008-06-14 00:10:07 UTC
I have the exactly same problem with my PCI-6115 in window vista business (32bit) running in Dell PowerEdge 2950 (quadcore, chipset: intel 5000X). I have also PCIe-1427 but PCIe-1427 is working properly. I send my PCI-6115 to RMA department. But they say it works properly in their environment. So I got it back. Today I saw this forum and I followed the troubleshooting that asked to uninstall nidaqmx 8.6.0 and install nidaqmx 8.6.1 before inserting PCI-6115. However, it doesn't work. Please help me.
PCI-6115 inserted in PCI-X 64-bit/133MHz slot
PCIe-1427 inserted in PCI Express x8 slot
Window Vista Business 32 bit Operating System
Computer: Dell PowerEdge 2950 (QuadCore, Chipset: intel 5000X)
NI-DAQmx 8.6.1
Error code : 50151 (when I run the self test in MAX)
My RMA number was 1109849.
Engineer who dealt with it : Ryan Duell
Thank you.
Yeh-Chan Ahn
Matthew Stevenson
2008-06-14 05:40:04 UTC
Hi Yeh-Chan,My original problem appeared to be due to a problem with the PCI bus.After I sent the card back to NI, they found no problem with it and sent it back.&nbsp; My computer had two PCI buses, and I found that when I installed the card on the 2nd bus, it worked.&nbsp; Have you tried installing the card on a different bus or on a different computer?Cheers,MatthewMessage Edited by Matthew Stevenson on 06-14-2008 12:16 AM
2008-06-19 19:10:08 UTC
Dear Matthew
You told me that you tried a different "bus" (not a different slot with the same bus) and it worked.
It seems to me that you failed with PCI-X 3.3v slot and succeded with standard PCI 5v slot.
Could you tell me what kind of bus did not work with your PCI-6115?
And what kind of bus did work?
Does your PCI-6115 have two notches in the PCI connector (NI tells that PCI card with two notches is compatible with PCI-X bus)?
I have two slots of PCI-X bus. I tested both slots but I failed.
Do you think&nbsp;PCI-6115 is compatible with PCI-X bus?
Your experience is really valuable to me.
Thank you so much.
G Lo
2008-06-20 22:40:07 UTC
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/27BC5D80CDDD629486256BEB006A57F0?OpenDocument" target="_blank">This</a> knowledgebase lists some devices that are PCI-X compliant.&nbsp; If the card has two notches then it should be able to function correctly in both the 5 and 3.3V slot(PCI-X compatible).&nbsp; Since the connector of the 6115 is the same as that of the 5102, which supports PCI-X, then the 6115&nbsp;should be PCI-X compliant.&nbsp;