Measurment COmputing MCC board compatibility problem with LabVIEW
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2008-07-17 10:10:11 UTC
Hi all,   I recently replaced my NI PCI-6221 M series DAQ (37-pin) to a Measurement Computing DAS_6402_16 board due to the need of more input channels.  I had developed a VI in labview while using the PCI-6221 and i  was wondering whether i could use the same one with the MCC board. Given that MAX wont recognize anything but NI products, i have installed Instacal (Driver Installation software for MCC) and have also installed Universal Library for LabView (which is part of the MCC DAQ software) which provided me with a variety of Examples that work with the MCC board.  Yet, I can't get LabView to recognize the DAQ card so as to use the VI i have been working on with PCI-6221 and it seems that i cant even get to start it from scratch (since nothing can be done by the examples provided alone).So the questions that come up are:- Is there a way to get my VI working with the MCC board(if not):- Can i get Labview to collaborate with MCC board or do i need to work with software other than labview (and if yes, which one cause i dont seem to be finding any)Thnx in adance
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-17 14:10:13 UTC
No, you cannot use your existing VI. You already said you know that MAX will not recognize the board. MAX and LabVIEW use a driver called DAQmx. That is what you used to develop the program. The MCC board uses it's own driver - the one you said you installed.
I have only used an MCC board once with LabVIEW. Many years ago but I had no problems. I have seen posts related to people using MCC boards and LabVIEW so it's definitely possible. You don't provide any information beyond the fact that the examples do not work and that is not much to go on. Since this board is for NI products, your best bet would be to contact MCC about problems with their software and hardware.
2008-07-17 14:10:13 UTC
There is a mix up... The examples work, but how am i supposed to build my own VI when the tools DAQmx wont work (they won't recognize the card in the channels scroll bar). Is their any idea on any alternative that will work?? (as it has been done in the past as you say)
 Is their any other software that you know of that would work right away? Don't MCC have their own software like NI has LabViEW for their hardware?
Sorry for the long-talk..i just try to be as spesific as i can.
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-17 15:10:09 UTC
You build your own VI with the MCC board just like you would built a VI with DAQmx functions. Instead of calling the DAQmx Read, for example, you would call the function in the MCC library that does a read.
What you won't have is the DAQ Assistant or the ability to define tasks in MAX. I never use either and don't think you gain much when using them anyway. Get familiar with the low level functions in the MCC library and if you did use the DAQ Assistant, convert it to code to see what functions were used there. You will not find a one-to-one relationship but you should be able to find functions to select channels, set sample rate, read data, etc. These are basic functions common to all DAQ boards. There is always some re-coding involved when you change hardware.
2008-07-18 10:10:09 UTC
Thanks a lot Dennis..  It seems that it was easier than i thought it would be..you just saved me much time and effort!THNX