Can I use Labview 7 and PCI-6221 to control a solenoid valve via a solid state relay?
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2008-07-31 16:10:11 UTC
I'm new to Labview, and I'm wondering if it's possible to use Labview 7 and a PCI-6221 board to control a solenoid valve via a solid state relay.  The solid state relay requires a 3V signal.  And if it is possible, would it be better to use analog or digital output to generate the required voltage? I'd just like to make sure that it's possible to do this before I invest more time learning Labview.  Any recommendations for useful tutorials or example code would also be greatly appreciated!  Thanks,Scott
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-31 16:40:23 UTC
What you are trying to do is pretty trivial in LabVIEW but you are not looking at the correct spec. You need to compare how much current the realy requires versus how much current the DAQ board can source. The analog out and digital out of the DAQ board are different but it's likely you would need to amplify the current of whichever one you chose to use.
2008-07-31 18:10:14 UTC
Thanks.  The relay requires 4mA of current, and the PCI-6221 documentation specifies a 5mA current drive for analog output channels, so it doesn't appear that I need amplification.