DAQmx devices won't reset or function
(too old to reply)
2008-07-09 12:10:10 UTC
I have two PCMCIA DAQ cards (6036 and 6715). Frequently, when I insert them and then go to MAX, they appear under DAQmx but reset and test panels is greyed out. However they are present under Traditional and can be reset there. If I physically remove them from the slot, they disappear from Traditional NiDAQ Devices but remain under NI-DAQmx Devices. If I delete them from MAX and from the laptop under Device Manager and then reinstall them, the Found Hardware wizard seems to install them but Ni-DAQmx Devices is now gone from MAX, though Traditional remains.Each time this has happened, my only recovery has been to uninstall and reinstall NiDAQ but I am tired of having to do this. Is there some way to prevent this or to get MAX to allow them to function?The curious thing is that this does not happen every time I go to use these but once it happens, I must reinstall NiDAQ.Thanks kindly,Peg
2008-07-09 12:40:11 UTC
I am attaching a screenshot of MAX after I uninstalled and reinstalled my two DAQCards. Note that they appear under Traditional but DAQmx isn't even present. I also clicked on NiDAQmx under software to show what version I have. Thanks,Peg

No DAQmx.pdf:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/250/41424/1/No DAQmx.pdf
2008-07-11 14:10:12 UTC
Hi Peg,
I just want to ask if you notice a pattern on when does this happen.
Sometimes, when you try to access the device from two drivers, it causes this behavior. In this case, you need to reset the device under both DAQmx and NI-DAQ.
If resetting doesn't work in DAQmx, try resetting the device using the DAQmx Reset VI in LabVIEW.
Finally, I need to ask if there's a need to have both drivers on your system.
Faris A
2008-07-12 02:40:06 UTC
Dear Faris, I have tried resetting with the Reset vi; in fact that is one of the first steps in my application and that is what fails and alerts me to this problem. The application can run many times with success and then it appears to fail randomly.After a couple of conversations with NI support on the phone, one fellow had me look at the service called NIDevice Loader. This was not running and I started it and changed settings so it would restart if not running. I'm hoping that having this service randomly stop is the cause of this problem that has popped up for over a year.Thanks for your help,Peg
2008-07-15 00:10:06 UTC
Hi Peg,It sounds like things are currently working. Please let us know if you continue to have trouble with this issue in the future. Thanks!