Zero-crossing output spikes from DAQ (pci-6229).
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2008-08-08 16:10:10 UTC
We are using a pci-6229 M series to generate auditory stimuli (100-10,000 Hz).  We have noticed spikes at the positive and negative zero crossings of about +/- 100 mV (positive for the rising slope, negative for the falling slope).  Becasue the spikes are constant in voltage, at lower voltage swings of the D/A, they become audible to the listener (which is how we found out about them).  The spikes are short - about 1 or 2 samples in length.  So the question is: how can we smooth out the sinusoid at the zero crossings?  
We are running XP Pro SP2 on a Dell 2.X GHz machine and the 6229 is in a CA-1000 external box.  We are running Labiview 8.5.  The 6229 output is driving an amplifier with about 10K input impedance, but does the same when attached directly to a scope.  The spikes are also present when we use the test panel software to output a sinusoid in the Measurement and Automation Explorer suite (MAX).
I've taken over this project and am just feeling my way around the LabView system.  Any advice would be appreciated.
2008-08-11 15:40:09 UTC
This sounds interesting and I'd like to see a screenshot of this phenomenon. Also could you describe the output charecterstics (shape, amplitude, output range, sampling rate, etc.) and more about the tools you are viewing this with. You said you can see this is MAX and I'd like to recreate this.
Again, any screenshots and details about the DAQ settings would be helpful. In the meantime, you could build a lowpass filter and this should help you out. Thanks!