Can't have a task externally triggered with a PXI backplane start trigger?
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Louis Manfredi
2008-07-14 18:40:12 UTC
Did anyone ever figure out what error -215006 means?  I'm trying to trigger output on a PXI 6534 off of the start trigger on a PXI 6133, and I'm getting the same message.Might save me some hassle in troubleshooting if I knew what the error meant.Best Regards, Louis
2008-07-15 12:40:07 UTC
I gave up :(  I ended up just starting the acquisition on the Z pulse and the sampling faster than the phenomena and filtering repeat values in software.  Not at all an elegant solution, but it worked.  I still have no idea what that error code means - sorry.
Louis Manfredi
2008-07-15 13:40:10 UTC
Hi Christopher:Thanks for the info, I'm going to try a work-around too-- in my case I think I'll be lucky enough to have a graceful work-around-- perhaps even the way I should have done it in the first place.:smileywink:  Seems a little odd that you first raised the issue back in February of 2007, and still no accessible documentation of what the error message means.  But that isn't your or my Bailiwick, is it?Best Regards, Louis