Onboard Input Buffer Size
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2008-06-25 06:40:08 UTC
I see from the specifications of the DAQCard-6062E that it's supposed to have an onboard analog input buffer of 2048 samples.  However when I read the "Input.OnbrdBufSize" property (available through the DAQmx Buffer property node) it tells me the onboard input buffer size is 8192, i.e. 4 times larger than specified.  I believe the units are Samples.  Am I reading the specifications wrong?
2008-06-25 06:40:09 UTC
I interpret the specs just as you do, if the "Input.OnbrdBufSize" property is indeed read from the " DAQCard-6062E" board. Although 4 times is "maybe" coincidental the same of a sample stored in the device. 1 sample is 4 bytes.
2008-06-26 18:10:10 UTC
Hello 2and4,
I believe that the 2,048 buffer is actually specified as the analog output buffer size assuming you're looking at page 6 of the <a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370724c.pdf" target="_blank">DAQCard-6062E Specifications</a>.&nbsp; I tested this out using the Output.OnbrdBufSize property and found that it reads 2048 as expected.&nbsp; While the analog input buffer size isn't mentioned in the specifications or E Series user manual, I would assume that the value this property node returns is correct for the input buffer.
I hope this helps, and have a great day!
2008-06-27 15:10:15 UTC
Thanks to all for your responses.&nbsp; I think Brooks is right.&nbsp; When you look up the 6062E on ni.com, the specifications summary for the 6062E makes it seem the onboard memory size for Analog Input to be 2048 samples (<a href="http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/11918" target="_blank">http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/11918</a>).&nbsp; This is probably a typo.&nbsp; I'll assume the valule returned by the Property Read is the correct buffer size.
2008-06-30 23:40:07 UTC
Hello 2and4,
I think that you may be right about the typo.&nbsp; I will look into it and if necessary submit a web request to get it corrected then I'll let you know in this post.
