Retriggerable AI retrigg_ai_analogtrigger.vi gives ERROR 200284
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2008-07-18 22:10:08 UTC
i am trying to run <a href="ftp://ftp.ni.com/pub/devzone/epd/retrigg_ai_analogtrigger.vi" target="_blank">retrigg_ai_analogtrigger.vi</a>&nbsp;as it is.
my analog input is connected to ai10 (pin 31), NI test&amp;measurement tool test panel sees the signal.
the&nbsp;analog trigger input (0-5V pulse train generated by a signal generator) is connected to APFI0 (pin11), again NI test&amp;measurement tool test panel can count pulses ==&gt; there is no problem in physical connections.
I use the predefined parameters:
samples to read=1000
I set the period of my external analog trigger pulses on the signal generator to 0.2second
the last block (DAQread) gives ERROR 200284, other blocks seem&nbsp; work.
(i tried different configurations of these three parameters without success to eliminate ERROR 200284).
i read the related questions, changing the timeout constant of the DAQread didn't help.
in the explanations I couldn't understand the concept behind the following step (step4):
4.&nbsp; Set the source of the Pulse Train Trigger to be the AnalogComparisionEvent which is generated by the analog trigger in step 3.
where is the problem?
could you give me... for example a combination of these 3 parameters (rate, samples to read, and period of the analog trigger pulses) which does not give this error?
note: I tried to define a simple analog input acquisition&nbsp;task from NI test&amp;measurement tool WITH TRIGGER (this option exists in the menu). I selected APFI0 as trigger source (I set also rising edge and trigger level=4V in the same menu).
runnning the task (analog voltage input, N samples) gives the same error (200284)

2008-07-18 22:10:08 UTC
a correction:
I meant NI measurement&amp;automation explorer (saying NI&nbsp;test&amp;measurement tool).
2008-07-18 22:40:08 UTC
a second comment on my previous question:
for the moment I tried to run the Retriggerable AI retrigg_ai_analogtrigger.vi with the predefined parameters.
BUT in my application,
the&nbsp;analog input is&nbsp;a photodiode signal,
I'll try to acquire a finite number of analog input samples (~10000) at a sample rate around 100kHz after a trigger that runs at 5Hz.&nbsp;
the hardware trigger will be TTL compatible from a signal generator.
2008-07-23 08:40:08 UTC
Greetings youngwater, You can find an example that might better fits your needs <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/2345" target="_blank">here.</a> This one is a retriggerable AI but this time with a digital trigger instead of an analog one. Be aware that you need to wire your TTL triggering signal on PFI0 instead of APFI0. In this case you trigger a counter to give out a pulse train and at the same time you tell the Analog Input to use an external clock, which is the internal output of the counter. Everytime you trigger the counter to give out the pulse train, you will acquire an equal amount of samples on the analog input.At the following link, you can find information and solutions about <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/FEF778AD990D5BD886256DD700770103?OpenDocument" target="_blank">error 200284</a>. Kind Regards,WouterNational Instruments