Will Labview run on an Asus Eee?
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Bob Cottis
2008-06-13 14:10:09 UTC
We are thinking of buying an Asus Eee to do some measurements on-site using a USB-6009 programmed in Labview. Does anyone know if this would work OK? Bob
2008-06-16 06:40:09 UTC
Hi Bob,
There is no reason why not, if you are running the XP version of the PC then this will work right out of the box for you, the USB 2.0 ports give the requires 500mA current to the device. However if you plan to run this under it's Linux system then you will need to flash the firmware of the device to DAQmxbase as stated in this KB:
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/1448A8AC665EE0EA8625703F004A4410?OpenDocument" target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/1448A8AC665EE0EA8625703F004A4410?OpenDocument</a>
All the best,
2008-07-19 10:10:06 UTC
I am also planning to use Labview on an ASUS EEE PC. However, the default installation script doesn't work if one uses the EEE original operating system (Xandros); it seems to me that some modifications are needed. Can anybody share some experience concerning that?
2008-07-21 06:40:13 UTC
Sadly I've not&nbsp;had the&nbsp;chance to try installing it on an Asus EEE before, if you are having issues with the installation script I would suggested starting a new thread with the new issue and hopefully someone in the community who has attempted this before and can help you out.
Regards,Message Edited by rsw on 07-21-2008 01:34 AM
