Caterpillar Dynamometer automation best hardware option?
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2008-07-15 20:40:09 UTC
Hi,I am in charge of the automation of a dynamometer property of a caterpillar dealership and I would like to know if you guys can advice and suggest about more and better options for carrying out the task :):).         Any suggestions on Hardware guys? actually im thinking about usign compact field point device, see the attached document.
The variables are:
1. Pressures:   - oil pressure
                         - turbo
                         - Diesel pressure
2. Temperature:  - exhaust
                            - coolant
                            - oil
                            - turbo
3.load cell
4. speed pick up
Best regards

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2008-07-16 14:10:11 UTC
cFP should work great for this application.   It looks like you found the right modules for the job.  I do recommend 4-20mA pressure sensors when possible to help with noise immunity in your system.
2008-07-16 14:40:09 UTC
Hi, I work at MWM International (Brazil) and we actually use Compact Field Point to do the automation. (Two backplanes communicating with a PC from ethernet bus).
It work very well. The only problem I think about the cFP in this case is the fact that it haven't support to CAN bus.
But I recommend it. 
2008-07-16 16:10:12 UTC

Thanks centerbolt, I will try to choose between 4-20mA sensors. Excellent letreco thanks for the information, it is good to know that has already been done this kind of application using cFP that gives me confidence to do my job,
can you tell me what variables are you monitoring?
Best Regards
Javier Rivera
Technical communicator
Cemcol Caterpillar
2008-07-16 17:10:16 UTC
We are monitoring:
12 pressures (4 to 20mA transducer)
15 temperatures (10 tcK and 5 RTD)
5 frequency channels (engine speed, mass air flow, and others)
6 analog inputs (throttle position, and others)
14 digital inputs (emergency button, test bench door open, dynamometer failure, and others)
8 analog outputs (several controllers setpoints)
28 digital outputs
All channels divided in two backplanes
2008-07-17 04:10:07 UTC
jezz a lot of wires crossing around, interesting so you are using two 8 slot chassis to read all the 88 outputs and inputs right? Do you kept all the historical data stored in some data based? i am thinking about storing all the info like Torque versus RPM graphics like a cardiogram in order to follow every anomalies during the engine test.
Centerbolt: What do you think about the multifunction daq USB-6225 Mass Term, USB-6225 Screw Term plenty of analog inputs 80 if i remenber but i do not know if this dispositive will tolerate the dust, vibration,  heat etc. interesting option..     
best regards
2008-07-17 12:10:10 UTC
As an example, when testing a pump/motor, I store volts, amps, watts, Hz,  GPM and PSI for each test point.  While the test is running I hold the test data in an array.  This information is written directly into an Excel template at the end of the test.  Also store all the test parameters entered by the operator into the Excel file.  As the test is running, I graph the raw PSI vs GPM so the operator can monitor the test.
Not sure how the USB-DAQ device would hold up in that environment.  I would consider using either the cFP or the cRIO.
Fernando Nieves
2008-07-17 17:10:11 UTC
I´m a technical representative of National Instrumens, and I would like to talk with you about your application. The cFP can be a good choice for you, but maybe you can use another hardware. I'm in charge of northeast of Mexico and the south border of Texas. I have some contacts of your company in Nuevo Laredo and Laredo TX and maybe you can tell me where you are to get you in contact to the sales person in charge of the territory you are.
Here in Mexico you can give us a call to 01 800 010 0793 or send me an email with your contact info to <a href="mailto:***@ni.com" target="_blank">***@ni.com</a> and I'll be glad to help you. I'll be waiting for your comments.
Thanks and have a nice day!
2008-07-21 21:10:08 UTC
Hi Fernando thanks for reply and sorry about the delay: well Cemcol Dealership is located in Central America, Honduras. Your contacts with our company can be useful to perform our aplication I will be contacting you for information and purchases instructions.I dont think we have national instruments contacts down here, we are only three mechatronics graduates currently around honduras, 3 possess knowledge of programming in LabVIEW but I am the only that is thinking about applying LabView in the industry today, maybe there is one person that has contact with national instruments but i am not sure, i am sure that no one is certificated down here, on the next year i will be taking the CLAD certification test in Mexico, i am very interested on expand my programming knowledge, if there is any labview conference in mexico let me know...
best regards
Fernando Nieves
2008-07-21 22:10:07 UTC
Viendo que eres de Honduras, me tomo la libertad de escribirte en español, para comodidad de los 2. Hay ingenieros de NI a cargo del territorio donde te encuentras y con todo gusto te podrán ayudar. El Ing Mario Flores y el Ing Arturo Vargas; Mario esta en la oficina principal de NI Mexico y Arturo es el Ing de campo que atiende en persona el territorio, con el podrás comunicarte para posteriormente el te pueda visitar a tu empresa.
La verdad desconozco la manera en la cual te puedas comunicar vía telefónica con ellos, pero con gusto te doy el correo de cada uno. <a href="mailto:***@ni.com" target="_blank">***@ni.com</a> y <a href="mailto:***@ni.com" target="_blank">***@ni.com</a> si gustas tratar primero con mario para que el te proporcione los numeros en los cuales te puedas comunicar con nosotros desde tu país. Acá te podremos brindar asesoría técnica, precios y cotizaciones así como soporte técnico vía telefónica. Con Arturo podrás tener visitas para demostrtación de equipo y seminarios técnicos.
También contamos con un departamento de capacitación, con diferentes cursos para aprender a utilizar el Software de NI impartido por nuestros propios Ingenieros que viajarán hasta allá si lo deseas.
Gusto saludarte Javier, y espero que todas tus dudas se aclaren. Es bueno interactuar con otros clientes y usuarios de nuestro equipo, pero siempre es mejor escuchar la opinion de los expertos de NI.

2008-07-18 15:40:11 UTC
LETRECA: Thanks for the information, I am going to make reference of your succesfully aplication of CFP in your company during my final presentation of the project to the owners. Best regards..
2008-07-16 17:40:21 UTC
I work in a lab that tests submersible motors and pumps.&nbsp; Here are&nbsp;a few&nbsp;of the measurements I regularly make with cFP.
Pressure with 4-20mA transducers.
Temperature with thermocouples and PT100s.&nbsp; Isolated temperature measurments using Analog Devices 5B series of modules and cFP-AI-110 module.&nbsp; 5B modules provide channel to channel isolation.&nbsp; This allows for electrically&nbsp;'hot' thermocouples that are connected directly to motor windings.
Fluid flow using turbine and mag flowmeters with 4-20mA outputs.
I am also using the serial ports on my cFP-2120 controllers to interface with many other instruments in the lab.