Change AI sample rate
(too old to reply)
2008-07-22 19:10:11 UTC
Hi, I was wondering where to change the sample rate for a VI. I am using a modified version of the "analog input sample channels" VI. It's located at: block diagram > user libraries > DT data aquisition > DT analog input > DT AI sample channels.viThanks in advance!
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-22 23:10:23 UTC
That's not an NI data acquisition board and not too many people here would have that VI. Have you asked the vendor? I'm guessing from the DT part that it is a Data Translation board. Did they provide any sort of help file for their board and their code?
2008-07-25 20:10:10 UTC
There's a user manual and all that for the DAQ device (keithley kusb-3108), but as far as the VIs go, there is no help. I'm new to LabVIEW, so it there a way I could send the code and have someone look at it?
Dennis Knutson
2008-07-25 22:10:10 UTC
Sure, but your best bet is still asking Keithely. It's their hardware and their software.