DAQ error in labview with USB6009
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2008-07-23 15:40:12 UTC
Labview 7.0, USB6009 everytime after I edited the DAQ assistant, the labview had no response. When I used window task manager to check what was wrong, I found out that there were two Labview Runtime. I ended them and then the Labview got back to normal but showing an error message. " an unknown error has occured". it had happened from time to time after I edited the DAQ assistant. how to solve this problem? thanks
2008-07-24 16:10:08 UTC
Hello gunking, Thanks for your post!It sounds like you are having an intermittent problem with using your DAQmx assistant. Does the error that you are seeing have an error number associated with it or is it a "windows" error. Does this happen any time you use a DAQ assistant and in any program? What you may want to do is try rebuilding the DAQ assistant so delete all the assistants in your program and then rebuild them. Also when you see the two instances in your task manager if you end only one of the runtimes does it allow your program to function correctly. The last step would be to possibly reinstall the driver as there could be a windows conflict. You are using LV 7.0 so you would need to install DAQmx 8.1. You can get to this download by going to drivers and upgrades on the ni.com website.<a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/lang/en" target="_blank">Drivers and Upgrades</a> Post back with more findings and let us know if you have any other questions!Cheers!Corby_Bhttp://www.ni.com/support