trigger latency on USB 6009
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2008-06-09 09:40:08 UTC
Hi, I am using a USB 6009 DAQ to do some tests for a future system.Actually I succed to tigg the Analg channel 1 with a ext trigg.I have sevral problems:1) the jiter of my signal is around 5 ns and as I have to measure the max of gaussian form I cann't do it! is there any solutions to stabilize that?2) I tried the measure the trigger latency and I found that it is around 20 us (the sample rate is 50kHz). I guess that the internal clock drive the triggering latency. Because on another board that the sample rate is also 50 kHZ and I had the same latency.I would like to know if it is true or I am doing somthing wrong.3)I would also to know where is it possible to find this kind of information if I want to buy another board with better performance.ThanksAnouch
2008-06-23 09:40:06 UTC
Hi, after discussion with a engineer from NI I understood the meaning of the tirgger in this kind of board.Actually the trigger just waits that a signal comes on the analogic port after a clock front. If it arrives after the front it waits until the next one.My purpose was to do somthing else. As my signal arrives randomly on the analogic port I need to say to the card to do the acquisition at the right moment with a defined delay.This is possible actually with the external clock and the trigger. The external clock will allow to change the internal clock and allows with the right delay to do acquisition.Now I understand why nobody was able to answer because the question was not pertinent and I did not use the right vocabulary.Does the moderator can close this disscussion, because my pb is now reseolved.bestAnouchah