Error 200016 using USB 6229
(too old to reply)
2008-07-20 21:40:05 UTC
I am attempting to write a program which controls two pneumatic actuators driven by three seperate valves. I need to output to the valves at 1000 Hz. I continue to get a 200016 error with the current code that is attached saying there is an underflow in memory. I have read many other messages about this error code and that there is a maximum update rate of 300 Hz on several of the USB devices. I have double checked the USB 6229 and it has a documented analog output update rate of 833 kS/s. So, either I misunderstand what the update rate really is or there is an error in my code. Either way if anyone can offer any suggestions that would be great.

ao control2.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/250/41689/1/ao control2.vi
2008-07-23 06:40:09 UTC
Hello Seth,
Thank you for your forum post. I did read aboute some problems with AO and Asus P5xxx motherboard. Is it possible that you are using a motherboard in this range? A option should be changing the transfer meganism in IRQ. This can be changed in the device manager from your OS.
Maybe trying it on a computer with another type of mother board would be prefered.
I hope this helps,
Best regards,
