DAQmx does not see devices
(too old to reply)
2008-07-10 12:40:09 UTC
I am using a PXI 1010 chassis with a 6031E DAQ card and a MXI-3 from the chassis to the PC with a fiber optic cable and a SCXI 1102.  My DAQmx does not see my devices.  I got it to see the PXI 1010 now, but it does not see the cards in the PXI chassis.  How should I configure the DAQ or somehow get it to see my other devices?  I am using version 8.5.1.
2008-07-11 23:10:08 UTC
Hi hdfxrd,
I found this documentation that can perhaps help you troubleshoot your problem. Is Windows able to see you MXI-3 board? What version of the MXI-3 Software and DAQmx drivers do you have?
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/484F81E6570AD803862569ED007AAA41?OpenDocument" target="_blank">MXI-3 and MXI-4 Troubleshooting Guide</a>
Please keep us posted on the issue.
