Recording data on trigger for unknown time
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2008-07-29 03:40:06 UTC
hello, I m using NI-5105 to acquire data on single channel using trigger.I m using ch7 as trigger and recording data on channel 0, using my own (modified) version of the example "MultiRecordFetchMoreThanAvailaleMemory".I hav acquired data on a trigger of say 10Khz i.e with known time for next trigger(so i can set the "Number of samlpes" to be acquired after each trigger).1-Now the problem  is that if i want to record data on a trigger  whose inbetween interval is unknown , how can i program that??2-I dont know how to set the "Number of samlpes" to be acquired after each trigger3- is there a way that i can start acquiring data on negedge of a trigger and stop on posedge and so on.seeking help regardsUmair
2008-07-31 14:10:10 UTC
<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=250&amp;message.id=41910" target="_blank">duplicate post</a>