Cannot read from cDAQ-9172 on stand alone VI.
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2008-08-08 17:10:09 UTC
I am trying to put a VI I created onto a machine without LabVIEW (stand alone machine).  I created the VI using v8.5 and I have downloaded the LabVIEW Run-Time for v8.5 and the DAQmx software onto the stand alone machine. I am using the cDAQ-9172 with the 9205 module to monitor five differential voltage signals.  I have built the VI and it runs correctly on the machine used to create it (with LabVIEW).  When I try to use the VI on the stand alone machine it opens and runs fine, but I do not see any input from the hardware.  The DAQ is recognized by WindowsXP SP2 and NI's Measurement and Automation Explorer has successfully tested the 9205.  Is there something else I need to install on a machine to run a stand alone VI?  Thank you for any help you can offer.
2008-08-11 13:40:10 UTC
Hello Stephen,
I can't think of something to install besides the runtime engine and the driver. Until now you did make a executable with your application builder? I have a few suggestions to trouble shoot;
- is the driver exactly the same as your development environment?
- does your compact DAQ device appear with the same device name on your run time environment and development environment?
- is it possible for you to create a installer from your executable and include the DAQmx driver and the runtime engine, just to look if this works.
I hope some of these suggestions will help you further.
Best regards,
