Unable to generate arbitrary waveform (continuous or finite), get errors during loading of next N samples
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2008-07-28 10:10:11 UTC
I am trying to generate the arbitrary waveform using the mentioned DAQ device (PCIe 6251). I first get the waveform data interms of arrays (voltage & time) and thenwant to genrate the wave base don continuous or finite samples. Main goal is to load the part or complete voltage samples onto the onboard buffer or output buffer and then start the generation, if the buffer size is less than the voltage samples, then remaining samples need to be loaded to the buffer after generating the first N samples whose size is equal to buffer size. Here when ever I try to load the next N samples, I get DAQ Non-fatal run time error. The source files and the document consisting of the error messages are attached. Please let me know what could have gone wrong.
The main functions to be looked into are1) voltSrc_niDaqMx_programArbitraryWaveform2) voltSrc_niDaqMx_startArbFuncSeq      3) voltSrc_niDaqMx_stopArbFuncSeq       4) voltSrc_niDaqMx_clearArbFuncResources5) voltSrc_niDaqMx_onEveryNAOSamplesEvent6) voltSrc_niDaqMx_onLastAOSamplesEvent
Thanks &amp; RegardsSreeekantha S+91-80-41912308<a href="mailto:***@in.bosch.com" target="_blank">***@in.bosch.com</a>
2008-07-29 17:10:10 UTC
Hi Sreekantha,
It looks like your attachments did not make it to the forum so it may be valuable to post those. The description of what you are trying to accomplish sounds like the default functionality of the DAQmx driver in an Analog Output task. You can provide your waveform and the DAQmx Write will handle the data transfer between your PC RAM and the onboard FIFO on the device. If the waveform cannot fit in the onboard memory, the driver will transfer the appropriate data at the right time. You can try using the functionality of the driver to handle the data to see if it suits your needs.