(too old to reply)
2008-05-22 16:10:11 UTC
I'm getting the same blue screen problem. When this happens then I reboot my laptop and then check the systems log the errors comes in this order:
1. The NI DMM and Data Logger Kernel Driver service depends on the Nidaq32k service which failed to start because of the following error:
The dependency service or group failed to start.
2. The Nidaq32k service depends on the nimxdfk service which failed to start because of the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.
3. The nimxdfk service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.
It all seems to be related with my GPIB-USB-B driver because labview gives me error 7 now when I try to use Read from Spreadsheet.vi, it tells me the File was not found..., and at the bottom says NI-488.2 GPIB interface nonexistent. (something like that). Not only I have the problem with the blue screen I also can't use Read from Spreadsheet.vi unless I manually copy and paste the exact same path (that the file dialog gives to it). I checked the error 7 and is specifically assigned for GPIB when the board in nonexistent...it doesn't make much sense to me.
2008-05-23 19:40:07 UTC
Hi Sky08, There seem to be two separate issues here. The error 7 that you are getting from the Read from Spreadsheet.vi is most likely because the actual file cannot be found. Error 7 is a generic error which can be indicate an error in either LabVIEW or NI-488.2. For the Read from Spreadsheet.vi, it is probably the LabVIEW error. I would check the path that you wired into the VI is correct. As for the blue screen issue, could you please provide some additional information to give us some background on your system. Please include what OS and driver versions you are using in addition to some hardware specifications. Can you also give some more details as what is occuring right before the blue screen happens? Thanks.Regards,KentApplications Engineer
2008-07-25 15:40:11 UTC
I've been stuck with the same problem for weeks now. I don't know if it is exclusively a problem with NI architecture, but I'm quite disappointed that this equipment is holding me back for so long.
I have 3 PXI-6115 cards and one of them seems to cause the blue screen when my software calls the function DIG_Prt_Config or  when I use the test panel in MAX.
The blue screen problem with NI equipment seems to have been out there for years now. Can't NI fix it or give clear instructions on how to avoid it once and for all?
2008-07-28 17:10:12 UTC
Have you seen this behavior recently, or have these cards always exhibited this behavior?&nbsp; What versions of DAQmx and Measurement&nbsp;&amp; Automation Explorer (MAX) do you have installed?&nbsp; Have you tried updating your version of <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/965/lang/en" target="_blank">DAQmx</a>?&nbsp; This will also install the newest version of MAX.&nbsp; It will also be helpful if you could provide your System Properties (OS, service pack, computer specs, etc.).&nbsp; Also, please provide the programming environment&nbsp;you&nbsp;are working within. &nbsp; I understand&nbsp; your frustrations, however there are many things that could cause a blue screen.&nbsp; This is why it is difficult to provide a "one solution fits all" document.&nbsp; Typically this is caused by a bad install of software, or some files have become corrupted.&nbsp; But the first thing I would try is downloading the most recent update of DAQmx.&nbsp; If that doesn't fix it, please post back and we can troubleshoot further.
2008-07-28 18:10:08 UTC
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2008-07-29 14:40:09 UTC
Thanks for the info, I don't see anything unusual with your system.&nbsp; -&nbsp; When did you start seeing the blue screen?&nbsp; -&nbsp; Have you always had this problem when using the PXI 6115 boards?&nbsp; -&nbsp; Is there a particular reason you are using the Traditional Daq driver?&nbsp; -&nbsp; What programming environment are you working in?I would strongly recommend using DAQmx, which can be downloaded for free <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/965/lang/en" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; Downloading this driver will also update MAX.&nbsp; Your PXI 6115 boards will show up a NI-DAQmx Devices in MAX.&nbsp; You can run Test Panels from here.&nbsp; Let me know if you still have issues after downloading the driver.
2008-08-04 14:40:11 UTC
We finally got NI Support on the phone (it took a while). There seems to be something wrong with the PXI-6115 board. We are sending it back to be analysed and repaired (at our expenses). If the fault is confirmed, it&nbsp;would be&nbsp;the 2nd out of 6 PXI-6115 that breaks down after little use.
BTW, we can't use DAQmx. We have to use traditional DAQ 7.4 due to historical reasons of our sotware. We use LabWindows/CVI.
Thanks for your support.
