Error 10401 Occurred at AO Group Config
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2008-07-07 23:10:08 UTC
I am getting an that says: Error 10401 occurred at AO Group Config
 Possible reason(s):
NI-DAQ LV:  The specified device is not a National Instruments product, the driver does not support the device (for example, the driver was released before the device was supported), or the device has not been configured using the Measurement & Automation Explorer.
I have LabView 8.2 with a Traditional NI-DAQ, 7.4.4 Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAE).  The device that I am trying to interface is a DAQ Pad 6052E.  The device is acknowledged by the MAE, but I think is not being acknowledged by LabView.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
2008-07-09 13:10:12 UTC
Hello Lrner, I see that you are using DAQ Pad 6052E and you are getting the error 10401 when tring to perform an AO task.Take a look at the following knowledge base that talks about this error:<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/46F78EDD19BA0CC386256CEE007201FC?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> Why Do I Receive Error -10401 When I Run My LabVIEW Program (Unknown Device Error)?</a> Sometimes if the devices is not being seen by LabVIEW you just need to reset the Traditional Daq driver. You can do this by right clicking on the Traditional Daq devices in Measurement and Automation Explorer and select reset. Then see if you program works. If that doesn't try using a shipping example for an AO task and see if you can get that program to run.Post back if you have any other questions!Cheers!Corby_Bhttp://www.ni.com/support