How to make the best use of my 6062E card?
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2008-06-20 22:40:06 UTC
I am new in Labview, and I use DAQcard 6062E and Labview 8.0.  I found an example vi posted on the Discussion Forum (see attachment).  This vi outputs signals an AO channel and an digital port simultaneously.  It is exactly what I want to do.  When I tried to run this vi, an error message popped up: "Error -200077 occurred at Property Node DAQmx Timing (arg 1) in DAQmx Timing (Sample Clock).vi:1->M_Series_CDO_with_AO_Sample_Clock.vi".  So I realized that my 6062E card may not support "correlated" DIO.  Given the fact that I cannot afford to purchase another IO card in the near future, is there a way that I can get around with this?   I mean, can I modify this vi and make the best use of my 6062E card?
Any inputs or comments would be greatly appreciated.

2008-06-21 11:10:06 UTC
Fuh wrote:
So I realized that my 6062E card may not support "correlated" DIO.  What do you mean by "correlated" DIO? The error message seems to state that you cannot you the "M_Series_CDO..." with your card, which seems obvious becasue ytou have an E series card. Post a link to the place where you obtained the example or repost the example.
2008-06-21 14:10:07 UTC
Oops!  I misspoke.  I found this VI in the NI Developer Zone, not the Discussion Forum.  The link to that VI is: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/4414      If you go to this link, you will find a library file: 4643.llb      The VI that I am trying to adopt is within this library file.I understand that this VI is written specifically for M series boards, but I am just wondering if I can modify this VI and use it with my 6062E card.  So first, I tried to run this VI --- trying to see what is not compatible with my E card.  As expected, an error message pops up.  The error message contains the following information:***********************************************************************************************************************Error -200077 occurred at Property Node DAQmx Timing (arg 1) in DAQmx Timing (Sample Clock).vi Possible reason(s): Requested value is not a supported value for this property.Property: sampTimingTypeYou Have Requested: Sample ClockYou Can Select: On DemandTask Name: _unnamedTask<0>**************************************************************************************************************************This is the place that I realized my 6062E card only supports "On Demand" software-timed DIO, but not "correlated" hardware-timed DIO.  I don't know if I am right, but that's the impression I got out from the above-mentioned error message.I apologize for my ignorance in Labview, but I am new in this field, and I really want to know if I can output AO and digital signals simultaneously using my 6062E card.   If so, how?  Modifying this VI seems a solution to me.  So I tried.  But I had problems.  Maybe the best solution is to purchase a M series card or any card that can do hardware-timed DIO, but this solution does not seem realistic to me --- due to budget issues.  Any suggestions????  Maybe I am tied with my 6062E card, .  It is simply not possible.  I don't know, but I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.Sincerely,Fuh
2008-06-21 15:10:05 UTC
Yes you can use AO and DO at the same time, but the AO can be timed by a hardware clock and the DO is limited to "on demand".Which means that you can use them simultanuously (forgive my english), only not using the same hardware timing source for the sample clock. You would have to create code that outputs your DO with the desired frequency, but hereby you are limited to the maximum speed that can be achieved use "on demand" generation.Message Edited by ***@carya on 06-21-2008 04:55 PM
2008-06-22 01:10:06 UTC
Dear André,
Thanks a lot for your clarification.  I now understand the limitation of my 6062E card and am clear with what I shall do in order to make the best use of my card.  Thanks again for your kindness and timely response.
Have a nice afternoon.
