NI USB 6210 Getting Error 200284
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2008-07-24 21:40:07 UTC
       Hey everyone. I am using a NI USB 6210 daq with 4 microphones and 2 accelerometers for studying movement inside a pneumatic transport line. I am sampling at 40 kHz for a minute and i continually getting this error. I have tried increasing the timeout to 60 seconds as well, but the error continues coming up. Anyone know a solution? Thanks
2008-07-25 23:10:07 UTC
Hi Craigory,
I'm not exactly sure why you are getting this error as setting a timeout of 60 seconds for a 60 second acquisition should not cause any problems. It seems like you may not have started your acquisition. LabVIEW has tons of great DAQmx shipping examples that you could refer to for your application. You can view these in your Example Finder by accessing it under Help  Find Examples.... The example we are particularly interested in would be under Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Measurement » Voltage » Cont Acq&Graph Voltage - Int Clk.vi. I've also attached a link to a document that further explains why you are getting error -200284 and some potential fixes.
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/FEF778AD990D5BD886256DD700770103?OpenDocument" target="_blank">Why Do I Get Error -200284 from my DAQmx Read VI?</a>
I hope this helps,
